PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata Dog tickers

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dragon babies aren't babies anymore

I am so bad at blogging! For the life of me can't keep regular posts on any blogs I have; the only reason I kept up with this one is that I kept getting new pictures of the Dragon Babies. So anywhoo, I can't believe that they are going to be a year old in a few weeks! I am planning to throw a small bash for Comet; I have a local pet shop, "Spoiled Rotten" that carries little birthday cakes for dogs and I am thinking of picking one up. I know it seems silly but we never made to this milestone with Titan.

On the left is Comet at 11 months old and recently discovered that the lazy boy is not only useful to glance out the window, but to chill and snooze. This is the only piece of furniture that he climbs on, besides our bed, which I might add, is a rare treat. He weighs in about 83.6 (at Nov 1) and is just a goofball. He is loveable and stubborn, but all around a good pup! Yeah, Comet is loved!

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