PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata Dog tickers

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Dragon Litter--Jan. 28, 2011!

I am starting this blog to scrapbook the progress of the litter from birth to when we bring home our little puppy. We lost our beloved Titan prematurely and didn't keep a blog with his good/bad habits, bench marks, etc...
This was a long awaited litter from Phoenix Rottweilers. Both breeders worked very hard to find a suitable Sire for Kendall (the Dam); it took a lot of researching many dogs. They finally found a suitable match, Nero (on the left). This was Kendall's (on the right) first litter and if I am correct, this might be her last. Her pregnancy went smoothly and was carrying 12 puppies, but the delivery and recovery for Kendall has/is a wild ride. Her water broke around 2:40 AM EST (1:40 Central) and finally delivered her first puppy around 5:45 AM. She proceeded with 3 more puppies (one was stillborn) and she was having trouble delivering the rest of the pups. She was taken to the vet where she had a C-section. While working on Kendall, the vet discovered one of the pups was stuck in the birth canal, preventing the rest of the litter being delivered. Kendall lost quite of blood and ended up having a blood transfusion and liquids and came home last night. However she went back to the vets because her white blood count was low and as of today (Jan 29, 2011) she is still there. Poor Kendall.

There were 12 puppies but 2 females were stillborn, so there are 10 surviving-6 females and 4 males. Below will are the weights for the puppies:
M Grey 14.2
M maroon 13.1
M yellow/purple 10.5
F red/grey 12.9
F purple 13.6
M orange 13.9
F lavender/pink 1.1.6
F yellow 14.4
F lavender 13.4
F light pink 1.0.6

One of those cute fur balls is ours! Stay tune for more updates on Kendall and the Dragon litter.

Kendall went back in today because of her WBC (White Blood cells Count) was low. As of now she is home and is allowed to nurse her babies.

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