PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata Dog tickers

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dragon babies are 6 weeks old!

Here are the weigh in's for the 6 weeks old dragon babies:
Weight in's 3/12/11-
Red 6.2

Black 4.10
Purple 6.5
...Green 6.8-
rainbow 3.8 getting there

Orange 5.0-
Blue 6.0-
Hot pink 6.10-

Someone on Facebook asked Donna why there are a big difference in weights. She replied back saying, "There is always going to be big and small in a litter. The big puppies could be from the first breeding and the little ones could be from a latter breeding(if so the little guy is almost a week behind the rest from the start)." Which makes sense.

I don't have videos but I do have pictures...the last two are exclusive and were sent to me personally-it's rainbow, the "little guy"

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